Sunday, April 21, 2013

Life's Too Short

I'm going to warn you, this post is going to be depressing. It might make you cry and it will probably ruin your day. I hope that you realize something with it though. I hope I'm able to make you think. Hopefully, I can change your life with this depressing post.

On May 14th a good friend of mine would be turning 21. Would be. On April 16th he took his life. This young man was so happy on the outside. He always knew how to make you laugh. He could put a smile on Grumpy Cat's face. He had such a crazy spontaneous personality. I'm sure you're thinking "why in the world would he take his life then?"

Well, even the happiest person could be dying on the inside. My friend had a hard home life. He always lived in his older brother's shadow. His mom was always working. And he lost his father when he was younger. My friend was hurting on the inside.

He had told me time and time again how he wanted to leave. I never knew he would commit suicide though. I have not spoken to this friend a lot since we graduated from high school, that's the thing I regret the most. I ran into him about a year ago at the gas station and he was his old crazy self. He was going o a taco place next door. Dang that boy could eat and eat and not gain a pound. Him and his crazy metabolism. I still remember what he was wearing. A white tshirt and his favorite pajama bottoms. He looked just the same as he did in high school. I never would've guessed that would be the last time I see my dear friend.

Today was my friend's funeral. We're 20 years old. We should not be going to friend's funerals. It was a beautiful service but many tears were shed. Tears are still being shed now. Seeing his body in that casket tore me to pieces. How could this sweet loving young man be gone? I'll never be able to see his smile again. I'll never get to hear his voice again. Feel his hugs. He's gone, forever. That hurts the most.

Even though this post is so depressing, I hope you hold no regrets in life. Reconnect with old friends. Even just to say hey. Don't push it off to tomorrow. You never know what day will be your last.

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